Author: Top of the Rock Astronaut / Labels:

Dissolve one and one-half tablespoonful gelatine in one-half cup boiling water. When thoroughly dissolved, add one-half cup cold water into which has been stirred a pinch of salt and sugar to taste; set aside to cool. When the gelatine begins to thicken, pour it slowly into the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs, beating it well as you pour. The mixture will now be white and spongy. Pour into mold or dish one-half of mixture, flavored to taste. Have ready cocoanut, chopped nuts or Maraschino cherries (all three may be used) in a center layer. Onto this pour the remainder of the mixture, which may be colored if desired. With this serve a sauce made from the yolks of three eggs, one pint milk, sugar and vanilla to taste; cook in double boiler till it thickens so that it will pour nicely. Quick and easy to prepare.


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